Top 5 reasons why kids don’t like school

Have you ever wondered why other kids dislike school, well I’m going to give you 5 reasons why kids don’t like school.

1. Waking up early

Everybody hates waking up early like at 6 a.m. or even 7 a.m. I mean that’s what I think because I don’t like waking up early, so maybe other kids don’t like waking up early too. Kids also hate getting up early because they just don’t want to go to school or they are super comfortable that they don’t want to wake up or move.


Image result for waking up early

2. Getting Called when you don’t raise your hand

For example your doing math and the teacher calls your name and you have to answer the question. But the problem is you don’t know the answer to the question and you don’t want to say the wrong answer because then your going to get embarrassed or maybe people might laugh at you and you don’t want that to happen.

Image result for raising hand


3. Homework

You might be thinking homework is not that bad, but what you don’t know is that homework is bad because if you don’t understand a question and you ask all your family members and they don’t understand either than you might get stressed out because you don’t want the teacher to mark you as not having your homework because that might affect your grades.


Image result for kid doing homework sad face

4. Tests

Tests is one of the things most kids hate, kids hate tests because your afraid that your not going to pass the test but kids also hate tests because you have to study and sometimes it’s because doing tests is hard or it’s just boring.

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5. Scootpad

Scoot pad is another thing kids hate, they hate scoot pad because the assignments are sometimes to hard or to easy. And sometimes there to long and nobody like doing a assignment that is 90 questions LONG…


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In my opinion these are all the things I think kids hate about school. Comment if you can relate to any of my ideas.